Understanding What is Trapezius Botox Treatment - Your Guide

Posted by Michal Krupien on

Trapezius Botox treatment also known as traptox or barbie tox, also known as Botox for the trapezius muscle, is an innovative treatment that offers relief for chronic pain, improves posture, and can even slim down the neck. The trapezius muscle, located in the upper back and neck area, can become tense and overactive due to various factors such as repetitive movements, poor posture, stress, or even genetics. This can lead to chronic pain, muscle stiffness, and an undesired bulky appearance. Trapezius Botox works by injecting Botox, or botulinum toxin, into the trapezius muscle, temporarily weakening and relaxing it, providing relief from pain and improving overall function.

Key Takeaways:

  • Trapezius Botox treatment offers relief for chronic pain, improves posture, and can slim down the neck.
  • It involves injecting Botox into the trapezius muscle to temporarily weaken and relax it.
  • Overactive trap muscles caused by prolonged computer use or physical labour can be effectively treated with Trapezius Botox.
  • Trapezius Botox can help alleviate chronic pain in the back and neck.
  • Individuals with genetically larger traps can benefit from Trapezius Botox treatment to achieve a slimmer neck appearance.
  • The dosage and results of Trapezius Botox treatment depend on the strength of the muscle, and multiple treatments may be necessary to achieve desired slimming effects.
  • The duration of Trapezius Botox treatment typically lasts 3-6 months, and maintenance injections may be necessary to maintain results.

What is Trapezius Botox or traptox?

The trapezius muscle, also known as the "trap," is a triangle-shaped muscle located at the base of the neck and by the shoulder. Trapezius Botox treatment involves the use of Botox injections to temporarily weaken and relax this muscle. Botox, an FDA-approved medication, works by blocking nerve signals that cause muscle contractions, resulting in muscle relaxation.

If you spend a lot of time sitting and staring at a computer for work, your trapezius muscle may become overactive, leading to "tech neck" and poor posture. On the other hand, if you have an active job that involves lifting and carrying heavy objects, your trapezius muscle may be inflamed and tight from overuse. Trapezius Botox can be used to address these issues by reducing muscle tension, relieving chronic pain in the back and neck, and improving posture.

In some cases, individuals may have naturally larger trapezius muscles due to genetics. Trapezius Botox can also be an effective solution for those looking to achieve a longer, slimmer neck by reducing the size of their trapezius muscles.

How many units of Botox are needed for Trapezius Botox?

The dosage of Botox required for Trapezius Botox treatment can vary depending on the strength of the muscle. On average, individuals may need anywhere from 25-100 units of Botox or Bocouture per side. It's important to note that multiple treatment sessions may be necessary to achieve the desired slimming effect. Results can be felt in terms of pain relief after approximately two weeks, with visible differences in muscle size typically seen within a month.

What are the potential side effects of Trapezius Botox or traptox?

When undergoing Trapezius Botox treatment, it's common to experience muscle soreness and fatigue initially. These side effects indicate that the muscle is being weakened, leading to improved posture and pain relief. Some individuals may also experience bruising and tenderness at the injection site, but these are temporary and generally resolve within a few days. It's important to follow the aftercare instructions provided by the healthcare professional to minimise any potential side effects.

How long does Trapezius Botox last?

The effects of Trapezius Botox treatment typically last between 3-6 months. After this time, maintenance injections may be required to sustain the results. It's recommended to schedule follow-up appointments with a qualified and experienced provider to ensure optimal outcomes and continued relief from pain and muscle tension.

Benefits of Trapezius Botox Treatment:

  • Slims bulky shoulder muscles for a delicate shoulder line
  • Lengthens the look of the neck for a ‘swan’ like appearance
  • Reduces pain and tension caused by enlarged trapezius muscles
  • Complements feminisation procedures for transgender women/non-binary people that would like to look more feminine
  • Quick non-surgical technique with minimal discomfort

Why Choose Injectual for Trapezius Botox:

  • Expertise: Our team consists of experienced medical practitioners who specialise in aesthetic medicine. You can trust their knowledge and expertise to deliver safe and effective Trapezius Botox treatment.
  • Personalised Approach: We understand that each individual is unique, and our treatments are tailored to meet your specific needs and desired outcomes. We take the time to listen to your concerns and develop a customised treatment plan that aligns with your goals.
  • State-of-the-Art Facility: Injectual is equipped with advanced technology and high-quality products. Your safety and comfort are our top priorities, and we ensure a modern and welcoming environment for your treatment.
  • Exceptional Results: Our track record speaks for itself. Countless satisfied patients have achieved remarkable improvements in their trapezius muscle size and overall upper body contour, thanks to our precise and skillful injections.
  • Convenient Location: Injectual is conveniently located in the west of London, in the trendy Notting Hill, making it easily accessible for your convenience. We provide a discreet and professional setting for your Trapezius Botox treatment.

Take the first step towards a more balanced and comfortable upper body. Schedule a consultation with Injectual today to explore the benefits of Trapezius Botox treatment. Our team is ready to guide you through the process, address any questions or concerns you may have, and help you achieve the results you desire. Trust us to provide you with exceptional care and outstanding outcomes.


Q: What is Trapezius Botox or traptox?

A: Trapezius Botox is a specialised treatment that involves injecting Botox into the trapezius muscle to temporarily relax and weaken it, providing relief from chronic pain, improving posture, and potentially slimming down the neck.

Q: What can Trapezius Botox be used for?

A: Trapezius Botox can be used to address overactive trap muscles caused by prolonged computer use or physical labour, as well as to treat chronic pain in the back and neck. It can also be a solution for individuals with genetically larger traps.

Q: How long does it take to see results from Trapezius Botox?

A: Results from Trapezius Botox can vary, but pain relief is typically felt after about two weeks, with visible differences in about a month. It may take multiple treatments to achieve the desired slimming effect.

Q: Are there any side effects of Trapezius Botox?

A: Common side effects of Trapezius Botox include muscle soreness, fatigue, bruising, and tenderness at the injection site. These side effects are temporary and indicate that the treatment is working.

Q: How long does Trapezius Botox last?

A: Trapezius Botox typically lasts 3-6 months on average. Maintenance injections may be necessary to sustain the results over time.

Q: What are the benefits of Trapezius Botox treatment?

A: Trapezius Botox treatment can provide relief from chronic pain, improve posture, and potentially result in a slimmer neck. It is a non-surgical solution that offers both physical and aesthetic benefits.

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