Polynucleotides vs Profhilo: What's the Difference and Which is Right for You?

Posted by Michal Krupien on

Since Botox revolutionised the aesthetics world over 20 years ago, injectable treatments have evolved significantly. Today, we have a plethora of options, including hyaluronic acid fillers, bio-stimulators, and skin boosters. Among the latest advancements are polynucleotide injectables, promising minimised pores, enhanced elasticity, reduced fine lines, and a brighter complexion.

 But how do they compare to Profhilo, a popular injectable moisturising treatment? This article delves into the differences and helps you decide which is right for you.

Understanding Polynucleotides

What Are Polynucleotides and How Do They Work?

Polynucleotides are gaining traction in the aesthetics industry due to their impressive ability to transform the skin at a cellular level. These injectables, derived from DNA extracted from salmon sperm, initiate two critical processes when introduced to the skin. 

Firstly, they act as wound healing agents, prompting the skin to repair itself intensively. This process reduces scar tissue and smooths uneven or textured skin. 

Secondly, polynucleotides possess anti-inflammatory properties that stimulate cell renewal, enhance collagen production, and improve skin elasticity and hydration. Unlike traditional fillers, polynucleotides gradually dissolve, leaving behind rejuvenated skin.

The Science Behind Polynucleotides

Polynucleotides are composed of long chains of nucleotides, which are the fundamental units of DNA. When injected, they activate specific receptors on fibroblast cells, the primary cells responsible for collagen production. This activation results in the production of healthy, youthful collagen. Additionally, the anti-inflammatory effect of polynucleotides aids in reducing skin inflammation and promoting overall skin health.

Benefits of Polynucleotides

  • Improved Skin Texture: Polynucleotides help smooth out rough patches and scars, resulting in a more even skin surface.
  • Enhanced Elasticity: By boosting collagen production, they improve skin firmness and elasticity.
  • Increased Hydration: These injectables enhance the skin's ability to retain moisture, combating dryness and dullness.
  • Reduction of Wrinkles: Their regenerative properties help diminish fine lines and wrinkles, giving the skin a more youthful appearance.

What is Profhilo?

Profhilo is an injectable treatment made from pure hyaluronic acid (HA), a substance naturally present in the skin, muscles, and joints. HA is renowned for its ability to attract and retain water molecules, making it a powerful moisturiser. 

With age, the natural production of HA decreases, leading to drier skin and the formation of wrinkles. Profhilo addresses this by hydrating the skin from within, resulting in a fresh and radiant appearance. 

Typically, Profhilo is injected at five specific points on each side of the face. The treatment spreads evenly across the skin layers, plumping the skin, reducing fine lines, and enhancing radiance. The effects usually last for about six months, with treatments spaced four to six weeks apart.

Comparing Polynucleotides and Profhilo

Composition and Mechanism

Polynucleotides: These injectables consist of chains of nucleotides derived from DNA, which stimulate skin regeneration and collagen production.

Profhilo: This treatment uses pure hyaluronic acid to hydrate and plump the skin by attracting water molecules.

Target Areas and Effects

Polynucleotides: Ideal for mature skin as well as younger skin, focusing on regeneration, thickening tissues, and providing long-lasting results. It’s also the ideal treatment for the under eye area. 

Profhilo: Suited for people needing hydration and a quick radiance boost, with effects lasting around six months.

Treatment Longevity

Polynucleotides: Results can last up to a year after completing the treatment cycle.

Profhilo: Typically, effects last about six months.

Which Treatment is Right for You?

Skin Type and Concerns

Polynucleotides: Best for, those with scarring, under eye darkness, some mior dehydration or discolouration and redness or those seeking long-term collagen stimulation and skin regeneration.

Profhilo: Suited for people needing hydration or those looking for a short-term radiance boost.

Desired Outcomes

Polynucleotides: Opt for this if you desire deep regeneration, a brighter under eye area, tightening and improved texture, and long-lasting results.

Profhilo: Choose this if you want enhanced hydration, immediate radiance, and a temporary plumping effect.

Consult the Experts at Injectual

If you're considering polynucleotides or Profhilo treatments and are unsure which is right for you, consult the experts at Injectual, an injectable clinic in London renowned for their expertise in advanced aesthetic treatments. 

The professional team at Injectual will assess your skin's needs and help you choose the treatment that best suits your goals. With their personalised approach and commitment to excellence, you're in good hands.

Both polynucleotides and Profhilo offer unique benefits tailored to different skincare needs. Polynucleotides are ideal for those looking for regenerative, long-lasting effects, particularly for mature or damaged skin. Profhilo, on the other hand, is perfect for individuals seeking hydration and a quick radiance boost. By understanding the differences and benefits of each, you can make an informed decision on which treatment is right for you.


How long do the effects of polynucleotides last?

Polynucleotides can last up to a year after completing the treatment cycle.

Are polynucleotides safe?

Yes, polynucleotides are derived from natural sources and have a low risk of adverse reactions.

Can I combine polynucleotides with other treatments?

Yes, polynucleotides can be combined with other aesthetic treatments for enhanced results. Microneedling is the ideal treatment to combine with polynucleotides. We can use PN’s as a treatment booster used topical and microneedled into the skin as well as injected in the under eye area and then microneedled on top to increase the results of polynucleotides..When injected before dermal filler, polynucleotides extend the lifespan of your filler by 40%.

Is there any downtime after polynucleotide injections?

There is minimal downtime, with most individuals resuming normal activities shortly after the treatment.

Which treatment is better for anti-ageing, polynucleotides or Profhilo?

Both treatments have anti-ageing benefits, but polynucleotides offer more long-term regenerative effects, while Profhilo provides immediate hydration and radiance.

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